Friday, February 5, 2010

My Resolutions for 2010...

I know that one month has already passed since the start of 2010, but I never got the chance to say this, so now let me state my resolutions for this year...

(Not in any order) In 2010, I would like to:

1) Do well for overseas competitions
2) Get into top 100 on KGS
3) Beat TJC
4) Get a decent job and do it well
5) Learn how to manage my time properly i.e. don't be lazy, don't procrastinate
6) Be more organised in every way
7) Improve in my piano and photography skills
8) Have a good head start with my uni life in August
9) Treat my friends and others well
10) Be a better man

I think the keyword for me currently is "Determination". That is what I lack. That's why I'm always avoiding things and giving myself excuse not to do things. However, that is not what a 20 year old man should be. I should be brave and responsible enough to face I need to face, and do what I should do. Avoiding and delaying would just result in a waste of time and youth. I should be spending my time more wisely. I need to be more "determined" in what I do.

I know some of the things listed here sounds very vague (like No. 10), but I hope that by writing them here, it will serve as a reminder to myself, and hopefully it will give me more determination.

Determination 2010!

P.S. Will be flying to Japan in March for Student Oza competition... Need to prepare for that trip also, not because of the competition but because of the place...