Monday, August 26, 2013

Decrease in Go Level = Emotional Maturity?

My Go level has been decreasing recently.

But somebody told me that it is good that it is dropping.

Because it means that I'm growing emotionally.



But how come I know of people who play better after they found a partner?

Can't my partner also become a motivation for me to play better?

If all the Go Players' level drop when they grow emotionally.

Does that mean those top pros shouldn't grow?

They should remain childish in order to play Go well?

In a way it's true, because now he recent trend is that the younger the player the stronger he is.

And when a player grows older his Go skills tend to drop also.

Furthermore, Go is a game where you cannot get too emotional.

If you get too emotional, you will tend to lose focus and lose the game.

However, I believe that understanding Go alone is not the only way to improve in Go.

If it's really true that I'm growing emotionally, it's good.

But I don't want my Go level to drop either.

Maybe in the future I wouldn't really care anymore.

But for now.

I still want to be strong.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What pros do in last 10 seconds of byoyomi

1s: Think

2s: Think

3s: Think

4s: Think

5s: Think

6s: Think

7s: Think

8s: Think

9s: Puts hand to stone. Continues to think

9.2s: Grabs stone. Continues to think

9.5s: Checking whether the reading is correct

9.7s: One last thinking

9.8s: Plays stone on the board