Friday, February 18, 2011

Sleep, Sleep, Sleep


This word.

Has troubled me so much over the years.

I don't know why.

Some people can sleep so well.

By the way this picture on the left doesn't reflect the total number of hours I slept.

Some people can function so well after sleeping so little.

Some people can wake up even just after sleeping for one hour.

I can't even wake up sometimes after sleeping for 6 hours.

It happened again this morning.

Yesterday I was really tired so I slept at 12am.

Then this morning I didn't even hear the alarm clock ring.

I didn't hear at all.

Usually when it rings it's so loud I want to switch it off immediately.

But it just couldn't wake me up.

Yes I didn't sleep at all the previous day.

But does it mean the next day I need to sleep so much??

14 hours straight??

Many times this sleep thing will just screw up my schedule.

It's screwing up my life now.

How I wish we don't need to sleep at all.