Thursday, June 25, 2009



本来今天回去就要在兵营呆上7天的,但我昨天开始就感冒,头疼,泻肚子,所以我决定今天去见MO(Medical Officer)。本来也没有奢望可以回家,但那个MO竟然让我回去休息一天,于是我马上就从兵营走出来了。除了我之外,貌似还有其他人生病,不过他们更厉害,连来都没来,直接在外面看病。我在这方面还是经验不足啊~不过那个MO也真是的,要给就直接给两天嘛,干嘛只给一天呢。咳...

这是我第一次去了兵营之后因为生病而回来。以前我一直不想去见MO,是因为我怕别人以为我CK(Chao Keng:装病),影响我的声誉,不过现在已经不管了。我也要学一学新加坡人的思想,可以免费看病,又可以回家,不看白不看呀~我也发现,去看病的那些人当中,CK的占多数,像我这样真的生病的其实很少。有些人还甚至会在大家面前故意拖着脚走路呢!听我今天见的MO的语气,他似乎也以为我是CK,就随便应付了我一下,给了我一天的假。咳...算了吧,能回家就不错啦。




Monday, June 22, 2009

My New Room and Random Items

Since this book-out, actually, I've moved to a new room. Actually, it's not a room, just a space created for me to do my stuff and sleep. The main reason is because somebody wanted to rent a room in our flat urgently and our tenants have not moved out yet, so I was "forced" to give up my room... A bit cram, but since more than half of the time I won't be at home anyway, and I'm able to carry on my life as usual, I guess it's okay? 

This is my living room, and the space at the corner is my new "room"...

This is how it looks like...

Bed + Computer

My bed (sorry, didn't notice about the shadows at the 4 corners...)

My "working" table...

And my Go board...

And finally, after a few weeks, I've collected all 6 coca-cola bottles! Those who doesn't know about it please refer to the McDonald's Website:

The 6 coca-cola bottles! From left to right: Green, Pink, Blue, Lime, Purple, Cobalt. Yah, I know the pink and green doesn't look pink and green, but well, at least they are coloured...

I think this is the best picture I could take so I won't bother taking anymore... Anyway, my favourite is the blue bottle! And why do I want to collect? Actually, it's just because I couldn't collect all 5 Olympic bottles last year, so I just felt like collecting all 6 this time... Yah, I ate so many McDonald's just for these bottles...

And here's my favourite rabbit: LOVE

Posting some more pics of random items in my house:

A very cute alarm clock. I bought it at a Pasar Malam for $10

BOSS coffee. This one was taken sometime ago. I went to try this coffee because Ayumi was in the commercial of this coffee once. Doesn't really taste special...

Got some new stuff to complain about, but I think I won't write it here since it won't solve my problems, and it doesn't fit this entry also...

Gonna disappear for 10 days from tomorrow onwards... Sigh...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Afternoon at Japanese Association

Since there was no selection tournament held today, I went for the monthly weiqi gathering at Japanese Association of Singapore. There, I can play weiqi and read comic and drink beer. What a wonderful place!

Li Chao is sleeping?

And Yurica is laughing...?

When I reached there there were only 4 person, so I started reading the weekly Go magazine first. I saw the news about World Amateur Championship, and on the front page was a picture of Hu Yuqing carrying the Champion trophy. It was so big! Will I get this kind of trophy one day? And JC's photos were also found on the magazine. Haiz, if only it was me going there...

I was posing but my head was cut off...

Played 1 game with Mori San and after that was reviewing the game Li Chao played with Xie Tang for tourney. I realised that Li Chao like to play those kind of very messy games! Hmm, I don't really like messy games... Must be more careful the next time I play him, haha.


After Yurica came and Li Chao started playing with Mori San I went to the Manga Room downstairs to read my manga. Yay! I read 6 volumes of Detective Academy Q. Actually I already watched the anime, so I flipped through the pages quite fast. I feel the manga is nicer, as the sequence of events in the anime is a bit messy. After that, had dinner with Yurica and Lichao in the lounge at 7.30, and went home straight away.

Yurica is obviously eating something...

And she has finished eating...

Tomorrow I will be doing something for the first time... Wonder if I will be able to do it well...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Chain of Unhappiness

Is this month meant to be my unlucky month? So many things have happened, so many things have made me so sad...

Firstly, at the start of the month, I was told that we are not allowed to take leave during the 7 days when we are mounting. The reason our officer gave was that they do not want the duty to be disrupted. What the... Who would be so stupid as to take leave on a stand-by day, when we can book out at 5? I still have so many days of leave left, and I wonder how I am going to use them...

On the Sunday 2 weeks before, when I was at home, I received an SMS asking me whether I can go for Yanglaoshi's birthday celebrations on the coming Saturday. It was a surprise party, and would be disguised as another person's birthday. I said I wouldn't be able to make it, but actually I wanted to take leave so that I could attend. If I took leave I would be able to make it for the PC Show also. But I couldn't, as stated in the previous paragraph. So, on Tuesday, I asked for Yanglaoshi's hp no. so that I can call him on the actual day to wish him happy birthday. It's sort of making up for not being there. But... he wasn't willing to give me! He kept saying that keep this a secret and don't tell Yanglaoshi about it, and he only gave me the number after asking another person to call me to make sure I won't tell Yanglaoshi before the actual day. Do I really look that suspicious? Am I such a person? Would I do such a thing to spoil everyone's show? I mean, I also know it's meant to surprise Yanglaoshi, and I want him to be happy also, so why would I tell him? Why can people doubt others so easily? I don't know whether he feels, but I'm kind of hurt by this incident...

It was then I realised that people, or rather I can be hurt so easily...

Then, on last Sunday, Yurica told me that there was a Samsung cup selection on this Saturday. And she said that I may be able to join. Wow, I thought it was a good chance to play with the teachers. So I called James on Monday to register for the competition. He said okay and will put down my name in the participants' list. What a good opportunity! I even changed my schedule on Saturday, including the Weiqi tourney, so that I can leave my Saturday for the competition. But on Tuesday night, Yurica suddenly SMSed to say the teachers are not participating anymore. I immediately called to ask about it, and I was told that only Singapore born Singaporeans are allowed to participate, and SWA has already selected a person to go for the Samsung Cup, hence the selection was cancelled. Never mind the fact that there's no selection held (I still think that a selection tournament is necessary to make it fair, even though I won't be  able to attend even if there's one), but why wasn't I informed? If I didn't call and ask, would I find out that the selection is cancelled only on Saturday when I go there? Well, I haven't paid the registration fees, but I'm still a participant, right? Am I really that unimportant...? (I just checked the Official Website of SWA, and the news wasn't there also...)

Thanks Yurica by the way.

That's not the end... Next week due to some Ops I will be staying in camp all the way from Tuesday to the Thursday after that! That's 10 days! As if staying in for 7 days is not enough, now they want to extend 3 more days, and we are not even compensated. I have to change my schedule again, and so much of my time is taken away... 10 days of things to prepare... 10 days of army food... 10 days of unhappiness...

Haiz... I think I should stop complaining and start doing something useful. To all those whom I mentioned in this entry, I mean no offence and have no hard feelings. Really. I just wanted to say out my thoughts. That's all...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


太失败了...上一些照片,写一篇日志,竟然花了我一个礼拜的时间...而且我是昨天才开始做的...我真不愧是KOP (King of Procrastination)啊~


今年的赛场还是照样在NYP的Multi-Purpose Hall。这个地方的好处就是地方大,再多参赛者也容纳得了。貌似今年参赛者比去年很多,也多了不少陌生的面孔。不好的地方就是没什么风景...唯一可以观览就是后面的Rock Climbing还有收起来的篮板。想当年,我们在Chinese Garden里下棋,虽然用的是塑料棋子,不过还是蛮有情调的。

去这个比赛也让我认识了一些新的高手。以上就是其中一位。他虽然是参加中学组的秋枰杯,但能够过关斩将把我校的高手都给一一击败并拿到个人冠军,也算是不容易的。正在进行的Singapore Weiqi Tourney网络比赛的第一轮我碰到他,虽然我因为网络不好所以超时了(-_-),但是他的棋明显很厉害。在以后的比赛中我可能会再碰到他,看来我要加倍努力啊~






Sorry, I'm lazy to post a gallery here... Here's one last funny photo: